Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Enjoy Wildlife and Nature in Yellowstone

One of the best reserves of the wildlife can be discovered in Yellowstone, United States of America. Various studies have been done by the student in this area. Large predators of the world are given a home to survive by providing best ecology.  It has been providing origin to life. Great importance has been given to this park by the naturalist all around the world. They like to retain the environment of the place safe. Yellowstone can be considered as one of the best places to enjoy wildlife and nature. Various kinds of species can be seen in this area. In this article we will describe about best spots to locate wildlife in the country’s one of the first and best national park.

The Lamar Valley

Image Source:wikimedia

Wide range of animals can be seen from this place. It can range from grizzly bears to large group of bison along with squirrels, coyotes and badgers. Larger animals are observed in this place quite frequently. Therefore, it is a high chance of interacting wild life in this place.

Due to proper care and environment, numbers of the gray wolves have increased since 1995. Previously, wolves have been eradicated from the place due to a belief that there has been causing harm to the human life as well as other animals in the park.

As a result of increasing number of wolves in the area, elk has to stay on the go all the time to sustain. Recovery of the vegetation has been seen in this area. Now-a-days, it has become great habitat for the native fish and different species of birds.

Yellowstone River

Picturesque scenery is observed from the banks of Yellowstone as it runs through the Grand Canyon. Various kinds of fish conservation are seen in the waters of the river. Cutthroat Trout is one of the specialties of Yellowstone. In order to spawn properly, cut throat trout comes to the river from Yellowstone Lake. As a result, Yellowstone River has become one of the popular fishing destinations of the world. Most of the fishes in the river are rich in calorie.

About thirty years, population of the trout has been vandalized by illegal dumping of the people. It has caused a lot of misbalance to the ecology of the area. Measures have been obtained to retain the area clean and clear along with its uniqueness. Spectacle of grizzly bears can be seen from the Hayden valley.

Tower- Roosevelt

Bighorn Sheep is located from the tower area by the travelers. Steep rocks do not cause any problem to the bighorn sheep. It is possible to notice the bighorn sheep in the area near the canyon from this place as well. If you give proper attention then you can notice certainly some of these animals while visit Yellowstone National Park.

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