Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Must Visited Places in Central America

Apart from North and South America, the green cufflink with seven countries forms Central America which represents the complex cultural web, topical wildlife and adventure with ancient ruins. Here one can experience lava gurgling from the volcanoes which form the perfect cones above the cloud line. Moreover, the rambling jungle walk through the Maya pyramids and dark canopy full of sloths, pumas, quetzals and howler monkeys are thoroughly enjoyable. Surfing towns here link up the Pacific coastline dot to dot, where the waves rush towards the golden sand beaches. In such atmosphere, here are some must visited travel destinations-

Tikal, Guatemala:-

Tikal_mayan_ruins_2009Image Source:wikimedia

Tikal is the Mayan city that flourished nearly 700 AD but is situated in modern day Guatemala. The most striking place of Tikal is its steep-sided temples more than 44 meters high. Unlike other Mayan sites such as Copan, Uxmal or Chichen Itza, Tikal is completely different as it is situated in the deep jungle. Several plazas are cleared of vines and trees, temples are uncovered and also partially restored. Whenever going from one building to another, one has to pass through the dense canopy of rainforest. Its peaceful air full or rich loamy aromas of the earth and vegetation and animal noises form an atmosphere which will contribute an unforgettable experience of the lifetime.

Ruta de las Flores, El Salvador:-

Around 40 km stretch of El Salvador, the name Ruta de la Flores comes from the plentiful variety of wildflowers that grow naturally especially between November to February at full bloom. The trip is thoroughly enjoyable through the brightly colored colonial towns for the food-loving and gallery hopping adventurous people. It also offers horseback riding, mountain biking and hiking through the hidden waterfalls of the glorious Cordillera. Apart from Ruta de las Flores, the beaches of El Salvador are equally attractive for surfing.

The Hummingbird Highway, Belize:-

In the northern range of Maya Mountain, passing across the jungles and citrus orchards, the Hummingbird Highway of Belize offers the picture perfect vistas. There are numerous reasons to stop on the way. The chief of them is Cave’s Branch which is well known for cave tubing and St Herman’s Cave full of big caverns and Maya ceremonial chambers full of calcified skeletons and artifacts.

Arenal Route, Costa Rica:-

Until 2010, Arenal was one of the most active volcanoes and because of its frequent explosion; it often provided the incredible shows of spewing lavas.  With the background of Volcan Platanar, the road is winding through the green, beautiful, river rich agrarian area through the prosperous towns. Passing La Fortuna, the picturesque road hugs the north bank of the Laguna de Aenal. On both side of the road, the tourists will enjoy the green slopes, the lake side view, the turnout and driveways of the beautiful inns, the kooky ersatz Austrian villages, the hip coffee houses and many more.

Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua:-

Isla da Ometepe is the place which never fails to impress the tourist. The twin volcanic peaks of Ometepe which are rising up at Lago de Nicaragua definitely capture everyone’s imagination like the precolonial Aztec descendents. The island’s fresh clean water, fertile volcanic soil, wide beaches, wildlife variation, dramatic profile and archaeological views are the head turning aspects for the tourists.

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