Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Witness the wild side of Nigeria

This nation of Africa is the home of countess species and that is why Nigeria draws maximum number of the tourists who come here to see these wild lives. This place is the natural habitat of number of wild animals and they are available in such a wide number that you don’t want to miss them.

National parks

Yankari_Elephants Nigeria National ParkImage Source:wikimedia

Nigeria has huge diversity of national parks, and sights of these national parks are really breath taking in nature. The atmosphere provides shelter for a number of mammals, reptiles, birds and insects which thrive here. These places will give the tourists the enthusiasm for endless wildlife tourism and scope to see these animals from close quarters.

The famous national park is the Yankari National park which is the home of some of the big mammals. It has got the largest population of African elephants. These majestic creates are the largest in the world and you will see them roaming around in numbers with their full family. You can also take pictures of giant jumbos from a close range. Though there are other parts of Africa where these jumbos are viewed but you will visualize them best in this national park. There is also Omo Shasah Oluwa Reserve which is an elephant sanctuary. In this sanctuary the elephants are kept under protection and the visitors can see them under care.

This Yankari reserve is also the home of African lions where you can find the king of jungles relaxing with his family.  The lion is the iconic mammal which is found only in this game reserve and a sight of these majestic beasts will really please your eyes. Not only this when you will go by the side of the water bodies you will see another deadly giant who are known as hippopotamus which can be found only in this gaming reserve. The hippopotamus is a semi aquatic animal that spends most of the time in the water and cool of their body in lying in the mud.


If you want to see more unique animals and your quench for witnessing animals are not over then you can visit Cross Sanaga Bioko forest where you will find unique specie which are called mandrill. These are large gorilla like animals and they live in this forest. You can also visit the Afi Mountain Drill Ranch where these mandrills are breed in captivity.

There is another forest called Guinean Savanna forest which is the home of leopards and you will find these big cats only in this forest of Nigeria. The world’s largest bird ostrich also lives in these forests. You will feel pride to see flocks of ostrich parading across the grasslands with their long legs. Hence when you will return to your nest at the end of day you will feel overjoyed.

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